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Books and their importance !

While I travel, mostly I see people around me reading. Probably that’s the best thing that could be done to keep the boredom away. Reading can make us more intelligent. At the same time they take us in a dream world and inspire us; remember, Alice in wonderland or Romeo and Juliet.

The writers of these books put in a lot of efforts, imagination and time along with their experiences with which we learn today and behave in the society. Their ideas could be anything from a loyal animal to a beautiful fairy.

I don’t read books any more but what my mother read out to me while I was young has helped molding my strengths and shape me for what I am in today’s world. Certainly, books are the foundation stone of what this world is all about.

Books are present in our world from many centuries in different forms and shapes.
Our forefathers have taught us more than we use to know. That’s only possible because of the preserved text which we received in today’s world from different places.

Books also play a very important role in a child’s development. They are the primary tools for children as they are fascinated by the color, contents and texture of a book. They might throw or destroy a book initially but this will be the beginning for them to become a successful reader. A book provides a child with vocabulary & helps them understand the world better and develops Social skills.

Today, we can find books in digital formats as per the need of people. Though, all these books provide same knowledge but at the same time they have reduced our packing weight. Imagine if you have to carry a dozen of books for a vacation??

We might be living in a time where computers have become the source of entertainment and knowledge, but the wonderful world of books is still alive. Traditional or digital, both the reading tools can be a faithful friend or a companion and that someone who can guide us forever.